Saturday, May 23, 2015

Minecraft: 101

Hey, what's up, guys? This month's blog post is about Minecraft.  ***WARNING*** This is Minecraft: 101, so don't get all indignant in the comments, if you already know this stuff.

Mobs: So, mob is short for mobile, which means creatures that move.

Creepers: Creepers were originally a glitch in the creation of an ordinary pig.  A  creeper's attack technique is to creep up on you and blow up... Hence the name "Creeper".

Skeleton: Skeleton's normally hold a bow.  Like zombies, they burn in daylight.  Rarely, a skeleton spawns on the back of a spider; creating a dangerous creature known as a spider jockey. It can climb up walls and fire arrows.

Spiders: There are two kinds of spiders - cave spiders and regular spiders. Neither of these will attack in daylight. Cave spiders can poison you if attacked, unlike normal spiders.  Both can climb 3-block high walls.

Zombies: Pop culture makes it pretty easy to know what a zombie is.  These creatures will normally attack villagers. If the difficulty is set on hard, they will be able to break down wooden doors.

Endermen:  Endermen are tall, black, creatures that are from the end.  They can pick up blocks and teleport places. DO NOT look them in the eyes!  This will cause them to become agitated (like when I can't find my Mineraft game, which is right no top of the X-box) and they will attack you.  A solution to this problem is putting a pumpkin on your head (not literally... that would be silly).  ***WARNING*** This will cause your vision to be impaired.

Next week will be non-hostile mobs.  That is it.  Goodbye! :-)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Coming Soon

Hey, Blastproof here, from a galaxy far, far, away.  I'm the host of Game With No Pain.  This site was created for young Gamer, Geeks, etc.  No creepers, no zombies, no warlocks allowed!

I'm hoping to bring you tips to help you beat that one boss battle you just can't win, that one level that continues to stifle you, and that one creature that's still unconquered.  However, I'm currently at the mercy of the boss (aka my mom), so just hang tight.

In the meantime, check out this awesome lego-build tutorial, made by yours truly.